Water purification information

What are the advantages and disadvantages of water purifiers

Views : 88171
Update time : 2021-08-31 11:36:15
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the water purifier
1. Water purifier with filter element
The water purifier is equipped with different filter elements according to different needs. The advantage is that the price is relatively cheap and the filtration accuracy is higher. The disadvantage is that the life of the filter element is short, the cost of replacing the filter element of the water purifier is higher, the water output is small, and it is only suitable for drinking.
2. Pure water machine
The RO reverse osmosis technology was first developed to solve drinking water for aviation personnel. The advantage is that the water is high in precision, but the disadvantage is that the purified water is too pure and lacks trace elements that are beneficial to the human body.
3. Ionized water machine
Through electrolysis, the water is electrolyzed into two types of water, acid and alkali. Alkaline water is used for drinking acidic water for bathing. At the same time, electrolysis changes the molecular clusters of the water, but the cost is high.
4. Magnetized water machine
Through magnetization, the molecular group of water is changed, which is more conducive to the absorption of the body. But it is not suitable for people with gastrointestinal diseases. Magnetized water can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract to a certain extent.
5. Pre-filter
It is installed on the main water inlet pipe of the home to purify all the water in the home. The filter material has a long life and is easy to operate. However, the purification accuracy is not particularly high, and it is not suitable for treating drinking water.

Second, the installation steps of the water purifier
1. Choose the location where the water purifier is installed, and there must be water and water supply.
2. The main unit of the water purifier is generally installed on the wall. When installing, it must be not only practical but also beautiful.
3. Install the faucet, and the water valve of the water purifier should be separated from the water valve used in the home.
4. Install the filter element and the filter bottle. After installation, drain the air in the pipe first, and then put in water for a while before use.

Precautions for installing water purifier
1. It is more important to choose the installation location when installing the water purifier. It must be installed in a place with drainage pipes. It cannot be installed in a living room with a floor. Once water leaks, it will damage the floor.
2. When operating every detail, pay attention to the screw mouth must be tightened to prevent water leakage during use.
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